What is non-destructive testing?
What is non-destructive testing?
Nuclear power plants, airplanes, parachute strap fasteners, machine parts, pipelines, and thousands of other large and small objects are continuously monitored during operation and production. All of them must be fit for use and meet safety requirements. Failure to detect defects in a timely manner can lead to equipment downtime, production stops, and even disasters. One way to minimize such risks is through non-destructive testing.
Non-destructive testing (NDT) refers to methods for detecting deviations in the parameters of an object from the norm without impairing its suitability for further use. NDT is used to exclude potentially unreliable products during production, detect hidden defects, and monitor the condition of buildings and structures.
The choice of NDT method and equipment depends on the characteristics of the inspected object and the conditions of the inspection. No NDT method is universal and can fully satisfy practical requirements. With any testing method, defects are judged by indirect signs, some of which can be measured. Measurement results characterize the detected defects and are used for their classification.
An important issue in NDT is not only detecting and measuring the defect but also determining the parameters that led to its occurrence. This information can help avoid costly repairs and disasters.
Main types of non-destructive testing:
The development of inspection objects leads to the complexity and expansion of NDT methods. Often, combined methods are required to obtain reliable information. For example, the use of X-rays in weld inspection does not guarantee the detection of cracks, lack of fusion, etc., and is often used in conjunction with ultrasonic methods.
The use of NDT increases production and operational costs, requiring expensive equipment and skilled personnel. Some methods can be very costly and require stopping the enterprise's work. However, these costs are incomparable to the possible consequences of accidents and disasters that non-destructive testing can prevent. Therefore, its application should be comprehensive and based on an objective assessment of risks and enterprise needs.
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